About Qi Circles

Qi Circles is the culmination of our learning and love for these health enhancing and meditative movements.  Qi Circles offers a way to connect with people willing to practice and deepen their understanding of life, energy and well being.



"I felt the energy in the room rise
greatly during the Qi Gong presentation."

- Mark D. ANFP Presentation


"Mobility in my arms and shoulders increased phenomenally.  Should be part of the Senior Program at Takoma Park."

- Elizabeth

QG on Andaman.jpg

"Love having you both lead ... each offer special touches."

- Sonya


Joann Malone

Qi Gong has definitely given me a longer life, a fuller, more healthy, peaceful life. I was diagnosed with severe arthritis in my hands, hips, knees and feet after a car accident in 1992. The pain interfered with sleep and increased to a place that I could not walk around the block. I had lived a very active life, teaching high school, exercising, hiking, so I wasn’t ready for immobility in my fifties. 

Today at almost 76, I live without pain, active, healthy, enjoying life. The issues with arthritis have resolved to the place where I hiked to the top of Old Rag Mountain in 2014. I was first exposed to Qi Gong on retreats over 20 years ago, but it wasn’t until my husband’s experience with tendinitis in 2005 that we began taking classes and practicing together daily.  In 2011, our acupuncturist and teacher Nianzu Li offered a teacher training program for the first time. Patrick and I have continued our studies,  are certified, and have been teaching Qi Gong at the Takoma Park Recreation Department since 2013.  We also teach Qi Gong on our Days of mindfulness and retreats, since the movements enhance breathing, living and meditating mindfully.

Patrick Smith

I was exposed to Qi Gong over 20 years ago on Guitar Craft Courses and various meditation retreats. Practicing these movements with a group always left me feeling better.  At times I’d even experiment with them at home, but did not develop a regular practice.

When I developed tendinitis in my left wrist, I took heavy duty anti-inflammatory drugs, but I knew this was not a long term solution. The documented side effects were too grim, especially long term. Eventually I stopped playing guitar and let my body rest.  During this time I was introduced to acupuncture. In the lobby of Dr. Nainzu Li, I noticed a flyer for his Qi Gong class he taught.  That day I asked him for an exercise related to my condition. He showed me Opening the Energy Gates. 

I began practicing immediately and signed up for his next class and have benefited from studying with him and his wife Peggy Li. In 2012 I joined his Teacher Training Program and am now a certified Level 3 Qi Gong Teacher. My studies with him and others continue to this day. I have a daily discipline of Qi Gong which nourishes my body, mind and spirit.

Joann & I offered our first class with the Takoma Park Community Center in 2013. We continue to offer classes there and on various guitar and meditation retreats. In October 2016 we gave a presentation on Qi Gong at the 21st Annual Conference by the Sea for the Association of Nutrition and Food Service Professionals.  We were invited back to the 22nd ANFP Conference in 2017 to take Mindfulness at work practices to a deeper level.